How Long You Should Wear an N95 Mask, According to Health Experts
How Long You Should Wear an N95 Mask, According to Health Experts

How Long You Should Wear an N95 Mask, According to Health Experts.

As experts recommended, many of us have swapped out our flimsy cloth masks for a more effective N95 facemask.

But how long can you wear an N95 mask before it loses its effectiveness?.

I wear mine for a week.

, Linsey Marr, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech, via CNN.

Experts say an N95 shouldn't "degrade unless you physically rub it or poke holes in it.".

You'd have to be in really polluted air ... for several days before it lost its ability to filter out particles.

, Linsey Marr, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech, via CNN.

N95s are considered medical masks.

They are said to be single-use, but experts say their ability to filter particles is maintained long after.

People have been talking about 40 hours -- I think that's fine.

, Linsey Marr, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech, via CNN.

Medical experts say an N95 often becomes ineffective due to a loose fit or broken straps, not from a lack of filtration ability.

It's going to get gross from your face or the straps will get too loose or maybe break before you're going to lose filtration ability.

, Linsey Marr, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech, via CNN.

As for general quality and effectiveness, the N95 doesn't have much competition.

As for general quality and effectiveness, the N95 doesn't have much competition.

According to CNN, the cousin of the N95, the KN95, can be just as effective, but in the United States, many of them are fake.

Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that nearly 60% of KN95 respirators in the United States have been found to be counterfeit and ineffective