Major Chinese Cities Reenter Lockdown as Active COVID Cases Spike
Major Chinese Cities Reenter Lockdown as Active COVID Cases Spike

Major Chinese Cities , Reenter Lockdown , as Active COVID Cases Spike.

CNBC reports that major cities in China are racing to limit activity as they face the worst COVID-19 outbreak since the pandemic began in 2020.

On March 14, Shenzhen told all non-essential businesses to suspend production or have employees work remotely for the next week.


Apple supplier Foxconn told CNBC that its factories in the Chinese manufacturing hub will remain closed until further notice.

Apple supplier Foxconn told CNBC that its factories in the Chinese manufacturing hub will remain closed until further notice.

Since late February, over 400 confirmed cases have been reported in Shenzhen.

Over 600 confirmed cases have been reported in Shanghai.


Schools in the coastal metropolis have reverted to online classes, as many neighborhoods have been placed on lockdown and ordered to undergo mass testing.


Schools in the coastal metropolis have reverted to online classes, as many neighborhoods have been placed on lockdown and ordered to undergo mass testing.


According to CNBC, residents are not allowed to leave their homes until they receive negative test results.


Overall, mainland China has reported a total of 8,531 domestically transmitted active cases.


As of March 14, South Korea and Germany have the highest 28-day new case counts.


Germany has reported 4.8 million new cases, while South Korea has reported 5.2 million new COVID cases.


China has maintained a 'zero-COVID' policy for the past two years.


Vice Premier Sun Chunlan said that all measures will be taken to prevent a widespread virus resurgence.