White House Already Scaling Back COVID Relief Plans Amid Uncertain Funding
White House Already Scaling Back COVID Relief Plans Amid Uncertain Funding

White House Already Scaling Back, COVID Relief Plans, Amid Uncertain Funding.

On March 15, the White House stepped up its push to convince Congress to appropriate billions of dollars in coronavirus relief funding.


On March 15, the White House stepped up its push to convince Congress to appropriate billions of dollars in coronavirus relief funding.


'The New York Times' reports that the White House has already scaled back plans to purchase monoclonal antibody medicines to prevent and treat COVID-19.


In addition to this, the government will also stop reimbursing medical providers who provide COVID care for the uninsured in April.


The original $22.5 billion in funding that the Biden administration was seeking was cut down to $15.6 billion by Congress.


The original $22.5 billion in funding that the Biden administration was seeking was cut down to $15.6 billion by Congress.


Now, even that reduced figure is in doubt.

The push to have funding approved comes as a Senate panel prepares to vote on opening an investigation into the origins of the pandemic and the government's response.


The push to have funding approved comes as a Senate panel prepares to vote on opening an investigation into the origins of the pandemic and the government's response.


Earlier this week, the House approved a massive $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package.


However, House Democrats were forced to remove COVID funding from the package knowing that Senate Republicans would refuse to approve the bill.


Now, the fate of the COVID relief bill remains unclear as House Democrats are hesitant to bring a bill before the Senate they know Republicans won't approve.