Jeanne Mancini | Chemical Abortions: Dangerous and Rising | EP 170
Jeanne Mancini | Chemical Abortions: Dangerous and Rising | EP 170

AMAC supports saving lives and in this episode, AMAC's chief, Rebecca Weber shines a light on a new method used to terminate life in the womb.

Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life, reveals how chemical abortions are on the rise across America, so why is no one talking about it?

Pro-choice advocates push abortion on women as if it is the only option, but women are being duped by activists who are willing to lower the bar on oversight sacrificing their own health (even the FDA does not support this practice) Weber brings up Gavin Newsom's radical policies encouraging interstate abortion and Mancini explains the bill that needs to be passed to put an end to the abuse of young women.

Help us protect women but spreading the truth behind the dangers of chemical abortion.