25-Year Army Veteran Warns Europe Faces Squeeze as BRICS Pursue Global Energy Dominance
25-Year Army Veteran Warns Europe Faces Squeeze as BRICS Pursue Global Energy Dominance

“I think that Saudi Arabia continuing to lower production is really going to hurt Europe and the rest of the world, whereas [in the] U.S. we can continue to grow our own fossil fuels,” says Col.

Jonathan Shaffer, director of business development for MBO Partners and former Pentagon strategist.

He discusses many pressing international issues, including the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the expansion of BRICS, and China's growing influence.

The 25-year Army veteran expresses concern about China’s infiltration over American entities such as the academics and corporations.

However, he sees a potential World War III as unlikely to happen.

“I think we have enough controls over the big levers and buttons.

This is on the military side as well as diplomatically that we can likely avert that kind of an irrational act,” he says.


Shaffner argues that the recent expansion of BRICS signals the organization's desire for “energy dominance.” “They’re trying to expand out of just fuel commodities and move into the future value of commodities... which is going to give them power in the long run,” he concludes.