Middle East War Erupts! Israel vs. Hamas, Global Chaos Unleashed! | Ep 634
Middle East War Erupts! Israel vs. Hamas, Global Chaos Unleashed! | Ep 634

The Middle East erupted into war this weekend as Iranian-backed Hamas invaded Israel from both the air and on the ground killing hundreds or Israelis and kidnapping hundreds more.

The move caused Israel to declare war for the first time since 1973.

In response the United States has moved carriers and battleships into the area of operations and Israel's Defense Minister has vowed to cut Gaza off from everything and make them pay the price.

Separately, new reports suggest weapons from both Afghanistan and Ukraine have been used in the violent assault, airports are closing in Europe and protests are intensifying across the globe, including here in the United States.

As all this happens the United States is increasingly concerned about the constant flood of military age males flowing across our open border.