119 "Surviving WW3" ft. Marjory Wildcraft, self reliance, satan the deceiver, fallen angels
119 "Surviving WW3" ft. Marjory Wildcraft, self reliance, satan the deceiver, fallen angels

Are you prepared for World War 3?

Yes, the war will come "here" wherever you are.

It's the first Monday of another new month and our regularly scheduled friend Marjory Wildcraft is back to sharpen our mindset of self reliance.

Now is the time to take stock, assess, and strategically focus on what to acquire while the supply chains are still functioning and the dollar is perceived to have some value.

We will focus on what's essential, what's important, and what can be done with little or no financial resources.

It's the concept of a "war room" where you assess all your inventory and resources prior to going to war.