TikTokers are not OK after finding out about 'restaurant timers'
TikTokers are not OK after finding out about 'restaurant timers'

TikTok users are currently freaking out over what is a hard truth.

Many restaurants track how long you’ve been sitting at your table.The discovery began with a user named @dibbs, who, based on several of his videos, appears to be an employee at Olive Garden.In a now-viral clip, the TikToker reacted to a customer who had been seated at their table for four hours.“Imagine dining at the Olive Garden for four hours,” @dibbs says in the video.Instead of reacting to what is, admittedly, a very long time to stay at an Olive Garden, most TikTok users had another response.Most commenters were shocked to see that the restaurant’s software allowed it to time each party.“Wait … they time you?” one user wrote.

“They time us?

BYE IM ORDERING OUT INSTEAD,” another added.The TikToker went on to explain why restaurant timers exist, stating that they can help hosts and hostesses better predict wait times