Meanwhile, Here On Earth - Shanelle Schanz and Earl Grey Anderson
Meanwhile, Here On Earth - Shanelle Schanz and Earl Grey Anderson

Shanelle Schanz is the granddaughter of Kenneth Arnold, the man literally responsible for setting in motion our Modern Age of UFO/UAP sightings.

On June 24, 1947 Arnold became the first pilot to ever have a UFO encounter.

He also made publishing history late that year when The coming of the Saucers became the first UFO book published.

Thanks to Ms. Shanz, this historic piece of UFO/UAP related literature is once again available and in an updated, expanded and really well printed edition and that, and her remarkable grandfather are what we’ll be talking about.

Joining us is Earl Grey Anderson has appeared on numerous radio shows, podcasts, and television programs. He is MUFON’s State Director of Southern California and an active member of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team (ERT).

Earl has personally investigated more than 800 UFO reports and specializes in Experiencer/‘High Strangeness’ cases and happens to be good friends with Shanelle.