Apple's Field Trip Retail Store Program Eliminated as Coronavirus Outbreaks Continue

Apple's Field Trip Retail Store Program Eliminated as Coronavirus Outbreaks Continue


Many of Apple's retail stores in the United States remain closed at this time due to the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, and in others, social distancing policies are in place, which has necessitated the suspension of in-person programs like Today at Apple and Field Trip.
Apple recently announced that it is ending the Apple Field Trip program, which was designed to allow K-12 students and youth groups to visit Apple retail stores for hands-on group sessions led by an Apple employee. As 9to5Mac points out, Apple's website for the Field Trip experience now confirms that Apple Field Trip has been canceled.

A "new educational experience" is coming soon to take the place of Apple Field trip, and it's likely to be a digital offering that will provide activities and video lessons for children. Apple has already launched an Apple Camp at Home program that provides digital programs focused on video, art, design, and coding, along with a self-guided activity book and live sessions with Apple Creative Pros hosted over Webex.

Today at Apple has also been replaced with a digital-based offering at the current time, so Field Trip could potentially be similar to both Apple Camp and the virtual Today at Apple sessions that Apple has begun offering.

Related Roundup: Apple Stores
Tag: Apple retail

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