Adobe After Effects Updated With Native Apple Silicon Support, Up to 3x Faster Speeds Than High-End iMac Pro

Adobe After Effects Updated With Native Apple Silicon Support, Up to 3x Faster Speeds Than High-End iMac Pro


Adobe has updated its professional video editing software After Effects with native M1 support, offering customers up to 3x faster render speeds on Apple's latest Macs compared to high-end Macs with Intel processors.

On M1 computers, Adobe promises up to 2x faster performance in rendering and general app responsiveness. On M1 Ultra, Apple's most high-end chip found in the Mac Studio, Adobe says After Effects will be up to 3x faster for video editors. One specific way Adobe has optimized After Effects is with multi-frame rendering, which utilizes all available cores on Apple silicon to provide a playback experience that's up to 4x faster than a high-end iMac Pro with a 10-core Intel Xeon processor.
The newest version of After Effects will be rolling out to users in the coming days. Adobe also announced several other new features for After Effects and Premiere Pro such as Scene Edit Detection, Auto Color powered by AI, and more.Tags: Adobe, Apple Silicon

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