Crow Country Review (PC)

Crow Country Review (PC)



It’s a good idea to have a pad nearby to jot down important codes. Not the giant 2106 which pops up early on and is never actually used for one of the keypads. I had to backtrack plenty of times to discover that I messed up exactly one number in a solution, spending ammo to deal with threats. Worse, I used healing items when an enemy managed to tag me, despite my attempts to run and dodge. Thankfully, I learned early on to kick the hell out of all vending machines to reach deep inside the crow-themed trashcans. I have enough healing items to make it through a few creature gauntlets, although ammo is starting to become a problem. My character, Mara, is fast enough to stay out of trouble but there are moments when she gets stuck in the environment and becomes vulnerable. The list of codes is only growing, alongside a list of hints about what’s really happening inside this abandoned amusement park. I think I know how to solve one of the bigger puzzles and will try two...

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