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Monday, June 10, 2024

Last chance for community members to register for the Fort4Fitness Virtual Spring Cycle

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Last chance for community members to register for the Fort4Fitness Virtual Spring Cycle
Last chance for community members to register for the Fort4Fitness Virtual Spring Cycle

Fort4Fitness Executive Director Satin Lemon said the staff was hoping to make the 9th annual event the best yet but were forced to make changes because of COVID-19 restrictions.

Lake chains.

For people who are hesitant about going back into gyms to work out, there are still ways to stay active 55's jeremy masukevich shows us how one local non-profit is putting a new twist on an annual cycling event.

Nat satin 32:40i think it is just a great way to remind people things aren't normal but you can still get out there and create experiences with your family.satin lemon and the fort4fitness staff were looking forward to making the 2020 spring cycle the best yet.sot satin 31:04we were going to be at promenade park this year with a whole new route.

This will be our ninth year with the spring cycle.but with covid-19 restrictions in place the team decided in order to follow through with the event changes had to be made.sot satin 31:17we didn't have that time to really put together the event that people are used to having.

So as an alternative we did the virtual version.

It's over a two week period which started last saturday and goes through may 30th.the virtual event allows participants to log their riding milesfort4fitness is sending out email updates so participants of all skill levels can see how much they have rode in comparison to the field of nearly 500 riders.sot satin 32:25we have a lot of families that are doing it.

Myself and my five year old are participating together.

Adrienne maurer has been participating in the spring cycle for the past 8 years.nat adrienne 35:40my policy is if i see pavement i ride.

Pretty much anywhere i can replace a car with a bike i will.maurer commutes to work on her bike daily but says the spring cycle has motivated her to go the extra mile.sot adrienne 37:54i think for a lot of people that ride regularly they would be out riding anyway, but doing an event like this it encourages people to get out and ride.she says she has enjoyed seeing familiar names on the list of participants.nat adrienne 40:00 its little bit of an incentive to ride more than i normally would the spring cycle event is also a fundraising effort.

The non-profit organization has over thirteen hundred dollars which they will contribute to their covid-19 relief fund.sot adrienne 38:48 plus its good for exercise, fun, mental health, and getting out into the fresh air.

Just getting outside is always a good thing right now.

In fort wayne, jeremy masukevich, fox 55 news

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