MAN MADE MONSTER Movie Clip (1941)
MAN MADE MONSTER Movie Clip (1941)

MAN MADE MONSTER Movie Clip (1941) - A mad scientist transforms a carnival performer (Lon Chaney, Jr.) into a murderous monster in MAN-MADE MONSTER (dir.

George Waggner, 1941).

MAN MADE MONSTER will feature as part of a forthcoming Blu-ray set, along with THE MONOLITH MONSTERS (dir.

John Sherwood, 1957) and MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS (dir.

Jack Arnold, 1958).

A trio of chilling sci-fi tales from the vaults of Universal Pictures, starring a number of genre legends including Lionel Atwill (SON OF FRANKENSTEIN), Lon Chaney, Jr. (THE WOLF MAN), and Grant Williams (THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN).