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Thursday, June 13, 2024

bike shop business

Credit: WEVV
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bike shop business
bike shop business
bike shop business

Luck out and going for a run or a bike ride is a great way to beat the social distancing blues health experts say it's vital for our mental and physical health-- and it seems like more people are heeding that advice-- megan diventi shows us how bike shops are keeping the wheels spinning during the pandemic... nat door beeping open doors are open-- nat phone ringing and phones are ringing off the hook-- "it's been far busier than any other time i've experienced and people that have been in the industry for 40 years say the same thing."

Unlike many businesses getting back to work---at schellers fitness and cycling--the hustle has not stopped these last several weeks.

Nat on the phone: "about when you can expect the bike...alright."

"pretty much any bikes under $1,000 is what were selling alot of thats what were almost out of...we've only got a few left here but we've got other stores we pull inventory from other stores as well "now not only buying bikes but they are bringing in their old ones as well.

This entire room is full of bicycles needing repairs and its helping business boom."

"about every ten minutes somebody walks through the door needing a bike repaired so it's pretty commpn place...were working as fast as we can."

Kendall says prior to the pandemic--they would serve roughly 1-150 customers a day....that number now doubling... bike shops are considered essential in the hoosier state--- and kendal says many people turned to biking and other fitness activities as an escape from being indoors--- "usually i have every rack in here full of a bike and have 50 more in the back but right now were at less than 50 percent of what we normally have probably."

Nat bike spinning kendall says they are looking forward to the upmcoming summer rush--- but for now is taking each day at a time.

"were proud to help make evansville a healthier place and people out riding and kind of rediscovering that.": in evansville-- md--44news.

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