TMC's Saugata Roy not 'shocked' with Dinesh Trivedi's resignation, says 'He wasn't grassroot leader'
TMC's Saugata Roy not 'shocked' with Dinesh Trivedi's resignation, says 'He wasn't grassroot leader'

Speaking to ANI in the national capital on February 12, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP from Lok Sabha (LS), Saugata Roy spoke on Dinesh Trivedi's resignation from Rajya Sabha (RS).

Roy said, "We didn't know he'd resign.

However, it isn't a shock.

He wasn't a grassroot leader, had lost Lok Sabha elections.

CM Mamata Banerjee sent him to RS.

'Trinamool' means grassroot.

It will give chance to other grassroots workers to emerge."